The monster exchange project began in 1995 and is designed to develop reading and writing skills while integrating computer technology. As I was viewing this site, an idea came to mind and I believe it would work perfectly in the classroom, not only for English writing but also for art. These children start off creating their own monster with very original traits. This helps them use their originality and drawing skills. They then describe every aspect of their monster and send the description to another student anywhere around the world. The other student, based on his knowledge of what the monster could look like, recreates his own version. I believe this is so great and plan on using it in my art classes. Here is an example of BAM

Original: Jennifer V. Redrawn: Shrestha

monster1.jpg monster2.jpg

Here is the description as to what Shrestha had to work with.

Here are other similar website in which the child can use his or her crafting skills

Flat Stanley Project

Postcard Geography

Trading Cards (done here in Regina in collaboration with the Art galleries)